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View Full Version : Your DC,Vertigo,Marvel,Film e.t.c character fuse

Blend your two favorite characters together. Who do they create? What are their new powers, if any?
You must Provide an Origin story
You can merge character's from any universe you wish
You can merge only 2 character

The high Evolutionary on his ship hungers more for his evolutionary expierments. He decides to start with a tissue sample he has collected from Odin Force Thor. Pondering he decides to travel to another universe to collect another sample to combine and create the perfect warrior. He travels to several universe's before he finds what he is looking for "Wally West"!! Back on his ship after long labors his vision comes to fruition. TRITON" is born . Evolutionary analysis of abilities.

When Mobster Kingpin had altered it's gravity to an Infinite amount it crossed into the Marvel universe. One person was to big for the hole and it was the Immovable Blob!
His powers are to be really fat. So fat he can beat anyone because his fat tanks every attack and if he moves they are squished under the infinite weight. And his Burp shakes every realm in existence! And when he farts the children of every universe cry out in agony!

I'll make one in a bit

I'll do one in a bit