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now that hal moves to dubai will it make a run now.....will this mow help them or not?

the farther away they associate themselves with dick cheney. the better there stock will be... moving headquarters from USA and get rid of KBR is great for the HAL

In my opinion the phisical move itself will have a short term down side from the ANTI AMERICAN ideas. In the long term this will position them right in the middle of OPECS PLAYGROUND! I am sure the OIL KINGS are somewhat like us. Its just like the deals made on Golf Courses and the like here in America. Just my $.02 Long I think this is a plus for them.

I think this stock in going down and going to languish for the next year or so. There will be congressional hearings, bad news, a couple more embarrassing revelations. If a Dem takes the White House, it may get even worse.

However, wait a while and you could pick it up cheap. It will be a true value play but you must be buy and hold (for a long while).

hearings are needed................no-bid contracts given to them by bush whitehouse............................blank check to rip-off taxpayers