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View Full Version : hitman trades and how I see the market

I joined hotstockmarket in 2007 with the intention of helping fellow traders and exchanging trading ideas. The chat room was a lot of buzz with just to name a few Spectre, mrweekend, arthur626, binks and czar. 2015 I didn't do a lot of trading just couldn't get my head into it cause our younger daughter was ill and it seems like every day we were going to appointments after appointments. September 2015 was a big turn around for her back in school doing really well so in March I started back slowly trading come April disaster struck again she gets a concussion. Long story short I told the wife I need to get back to trading cause it's what I love doing.

So I'm back at it and yes I can't stand BS show me documented facts and all is good. lol

He's back! http://stockaholics.net/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

Welcome back! I'll be watching this thread!

DOW futures is down as I am writing this and this week will be a test to see if 17,000 hold if it doesn't lookout below. I'm in GLD calls $123.00 july expiry @$1.50. Sold some of my $120.50 and riding some freebies. I will pick up some CBOE VIX between $25.80 - $26.10 this range is my comfort level.