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View Full Version : The greatest stock market crash ahead

One of the most well-known analyst in the US economy, Harry Dent, published a small article that reads like a solemn warning to investors. I think that a brief retelling of this article will be interesting for you.

According to Harry Dent, American stock markets were inflated over the past eight years. And the peak of this action was passed in May 2015. And the pattern of further movement in the markets will look like, as shown in the chart.


When the Fed abandoned the program of quantitative easing in 2014, in a strange way volatility in the markets immediately fell to its lowest level. But what is strange is that when the printing press was off the driver of growth stock bubble disappeared? And the situation was assessed correctly. Confirmation thoughts Harry Dent appeared in August last year. It was then that the first signs of sliding stock markets around the world. One by one, all the global indices slipped growth peaks. Dow Transports - went through the peak in November 2014. Dow Utilities Index in January 2015. The German index DAX and Britain's FTSE in April 2015. The US indices Securities Dow and S&P500 in May 2015. The Chinese Shanghai Composite index in June 2015 the Nasdaq indices, Biotech and the Russell 2000 slipped growth peaks in July 2015. Japan's Nikkei was there in August 2015.

And because noone sounded the alarm at the time when the Shanghai market fell by 45% in just 2.5 months. But the same thing happened before the Great Depression in 1929, with an index Dow. But this is not an isolated case. Securities biotech fell in price by 40% in February 2016. Capitalization of the leading banks in the world is breaking. Few people know that Deutsche Bank has depreciated by 59% from its peak growth in 2015. A German bank was more expensive than it is now, at 89% in 2008. What's going on with the Italian banking sector - it is better not to mention.

Nice information....but....?

My question is...whether we have encashed downtrend from 7600 to 6900 ?

The problem is....trying to predict the overall number from 2000 to 10000 to 2000 .....

We should have the information....however...we should keep change our trading pattern....according to the trend...

Otherwise...we would have (trapped) missed the rally from 7090 to 7490 (cycle)..

Just sharing my view (based on my 21 year experience)....nothing against your information(information is very much valid)....please take this in the right spirit.

The biggest bubble is not in stocks, but in bonds. Especially in Govt. Bonds.

At present people are worried about deflation. But that won't be allowed to happen by govt. It is the inflation that we have to worry about. Or rater stagflation where no growth or slow growth and falling income but raging inflation.

CPI in US rose second time in February to 2.2% beating expectations after January rise. But due to falling company earnings and slowing economy, Yellen is unable to raise rates much. I think that will continue.

Dollar is weak. Why are all commodities up? Oil, Gold, Iron ore, everything is up. I think this is the trend that will continue going forward as Central Banks will get their wished inflation which they so desired but it in form of stagflation.

DrDulya, please do not try to create panic among traders community.