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View Full Version : Is Big Brother tired of just watching?

This is sort of creeping me out:


Makes me feel good.

Guy killed four in cold , cold blood. People that never harmed him.

His manifesto says dozens to meet the same fate.

He is a skilled survivalist and trained in military/police skills.

Drones may help locate him with thermal imaging and help prevent loss of more life to serchers in an ambush which he is fully capable of.

What creeps you out about any of that...except of course this guy is a stone gold killer?

MODERATOR..is this the right place for this stuff?

My own opinion is that unarmed surveillance drones that can be used to help locate and capture known criminals who are capable of committing more violence are going to become an inevitable part of police work. In fact drones will likely only be a short term patch as the resolution and bandwidth of space cameras is increasing along the curve of Moore's law. You can now see movies of individuals walking across the street and the birds flying over them.

When and under what conditions armed drones can be used in country as they are in war zones to destroy people, cars and buildings is a whole other set of serious questions. I feel we must fully protect the civil rights of individuals to a trail, a lawyer and all the other protections of long established legal precedents.

To my knowledge Charlottesville is the first "drone free zone" in the US, more to come I'm sure.

Let's be sure we all understand the post was made about an unarmed,drone. Look at what happened today with this creep and see if you think it is a bad idea to use drones to find them.

If we can save lives on this why not.

If we can save an estimated billion dollars on border surveillance with drones and send people to place where the crossers are Identified..

Drug runners....

I am not sure this is more big brother than speed radar or drunk driving traps...just higher tech.