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View Full Version : NewOrderList - Stop & Limits


I try to create stop/limit when opening a position however instead it is creating order types LE & SE instead of L & S. This was working correctly previously, seems to be broken after some changes to my account or the api.
Can you kindly advise how I can fix this. Outgoing message copied below, incoming messages in attachment.

Outgoing message:
8=FIX.4.4\x019=440\x0135=E\x0134=129\x0149=0106400 6_client1\x0152=20110112-22:49:47.852\x0156=FXCM\x0157=U100D1\x0166=2b-U3Juw\x0168=3\x0173=3\x0111=2c-DTZOJ\x01526=6773999\x0167=1\x01583=1\x011=0106400 6\x0155=EUR/USD\x0154=1\x0160=20110112-22:49:47\x0138=10000\x0140=1\x0111=2d-etML2\x01526=6773999\x0167=2\x01583=2\x011=0106400 6\x0155=EUR/USD\x0154=2\x0160=20110112-22:49:47\x0138=10000\x0140=3\x0199=1.3\x0159=1\x01 11=2e-1oA0b\x01526=6773999\x0167=3\x011=01064006\x0155=E UR/USD\x0154=2\x0160=20110112-22:49:47\x0138=10000\x0140=2\x0144=1.32\x0159=1\x0 1386=1\x01336=FXCM\x01625=U100D1\x011385=2\x0110=1 98\x01

Your message below is for creating a new order list. To create a stop/limit entry order, please refer to page 59 of the FIX documentation. A copy of the most recent documentation is attached.

Your message should look like(this is the example used in the doc)

8=FIX.4.4ı9=290ı35=Dı34=14ı49=TestClient2ı52=20080 228-14:52:00.062ı56=FXCMı57=MINIDEMOı1=00286255ı11=Tes tClient2FXCM-1204210320062-12ı38=100000ı40=3ı44=1.51524ı54=1ı55=EUR/USDı59=1ı60=20080228-14:52:00ı117=100004024407ı526=ı386=1ı336=FXCMı625= MINIDEMOı453=1ı448=FXCM IDı447=Dı452=3ı802=1ı523=286255ı803=10ı10=151ı


I want to open a new trade, with the stop and limit set (see the thread at: http://forexforums.dailyfx.com/fix-a...er-single.html (http://forexforums.dailyfx.com/fix-api-support/87777-sl-tp-new-order-single.html)). For some strange reason, this has stopped working now, this was working previously.
What you are saying is to set the stop/limit for an existing open trade, which I am also using and is working correctly.

There are two ways you can go about doing this. You can use OrderList where you send a market order with StopEntry and LimitEntry tied together as OCO. Alternatively, after you get position report of an open position, you can use the positionID to attach stop and limit to that position.