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View Full Version : Greatest Fictional Character of All Time?

Yes, I know... thats one BIG question. It's one I've never been able to conclusively answer myself but it's never stopped me from trying. I often find the more thought I put into this the more inconclusive the result but there are always a select few that come to mind initially and after considering wether any are truly, in my mind, the greatest fictional character ever created I often find I can think of equals or betters but because they consistently come to mind whenever I ask this that they are who I consider to truly be my greatest fictional characters.
So my question to you, is who do you believe is the greatest fictional character ever created? remember for a lot of people this will not be a definitive answer so it might be productive to consider what initially comes to mind and then possible explanations. If possible why do you believe they/it is the greatest fictional character ever?
As for me one of the most predominant would be Terry Pratchett's Death... (and by consequence his accomplice Death of Rats)

This is likely due to the fact that I was in love with Terry Pratchett books as a child, my Grandad had a large library with all first editions that I would read endlessly, and how could one not love Death? Just the little things like the difference in speech font and the bluntness of his attitude (often emphasised by bulleted speech), of course as a child I did not think this in depth but he was the coolest guy/it/thing in Discworld. However nowadays my thought process isn't so simplistic and yet Death has not regressed in appeal. He's developed as a character by leaps and bounds since The Colour of Magic and I can now comprehend his use to a much greater degree than 12 year old Giliad as well as appreciate the deep thought-provoking concepts and philosophy that this character so frequently represents...


Josuke Higashikata(Part8)

Joker was the first thing to come to my mind