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Thank you Jim for greasing the slide tonight on CKR holders! This stock was pumped for weeks on MAD MONEY. Lets see, "Sometimes the trade doesn't work?" a quote after the stock flatlines only after rising to the hype of the show? I cannot believe that there was no mention that Hilton ads have had little or no time to move sales + no hot seat for the guest regarding insider selling! "Would I sell this stock? UUGH I don't know". Thank you for greasing the plank for the rest of my money. I am a low income person who just lost 3k+ on this trade. I cannot believe there was no mention of the low PE, popular industry group, or many positive analyst reports. Thank you for giving my money to the insiders. The Cisco letter guy was a ridiculous and obvious smokescreen for the weak coverage on CKR...UUGH YEAH people you smoked! Kind Regards, John R Gordon

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Well, just a day later...it's up 3.3% from the day before. Should I go for it? Do you think burgers in Russia will be a hit?

Hi Gang:

I've been following CKR for two reasons:

1) Because Cramer has ben yammering about it and I like to track his successes/non-successes.

2) Becasue I'm an advertising exec and I like to see how advertising effects (or doesn't affect) stock performance.

It's unfortunate how many corporate execs just don't understand good marketing. The Paris Hilton ad was offensive, not because of the content, but because the management team and their ad agency actually thought that commercial would sell a single burger. Totally ridiculous.

The product was already nearly half a year old and on top of that it's not even a unique offering.

Advertising history tells us that ridulous advertising like that does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to move product.

Anyone who bought CKR based on that TV spot was a fool.

As a rule I NEVER purchase stock for a company that launches a major campaign of ANY quality. Sales resulting from an ad campaign takes time and any short-term spike will not have the kind of results (same-store sales) that will result in a wise investment.

Sorry you lost on the CKR. I lost a little on that one myself. The ads never appeared on TV over in Michiagn then again I do not think they any CHK places over here. I could be wrong. But when I heard the ads were out and some of the people did not like them. They were talking about it all over the news, and nothing was hapening to the stock.
This stock was just for a trade a single event. I thought there was room for growth expansion. But I did not here or read anything about that. So I got rather quickly.
J.C. always says I do not care where a stock has been but where it is going. This is contrary to what he says about on buying on weakness. Since CHK was closer to the stock's 52 week high, the less you stand to make and the more you stand to lose.
As to Patrick, you have done your homework on this one. As for Advertising, I am full of Ideas and other things as well. The American Express ads always show some one living it up on some one elses dime. Expresses almost like it is OK to steal, and look what you get away with. Which all the honest have to pay for in th long run. I would like to see the same people in these ads being run down thru the jungles or deserts, where they say who is having the fun now. The owners of the orignal card living it up, where the bad guys are in an old foregin jail somewhere.