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View Full Version : What is hell?

Is Hell waiting for eternity in line at the DMV? Is Hell being dragged by ones significant other to a shopping mall or department store for countless hours even though the one being dragged to the retail location has no real reason to go shopping other then to carry the other person's junk... I mean purchases?

Or is Hell a place where wifi is always free but every page you try to load is always indefinitely buffering?

Or is Hell being forced to listen to Rush Limbaugh go on for 24 hours a day about the
Gay/Jewish/colored/Islamic/atheist/Hispanic/nonguntoting educated liberals/feminists (who believe that rape should remain illegal) allied conspiracy to force low-flush toilets on the oppressed millionaire-patriots like himself?

Hell is hearing even one more news article on that racist dementia-sufferer Sterling and how he's obstructing the progress of the team's divestiture by tieing up the impending sale of LA Clippers NBA team.

Hell is being in the passengers seat of a Lamborg

Hahah! Make my hell as a passenger in a Ferrari F40 twin-turbo while being piloted by a little old lady with arthritis.

My hell already was - suddenly having my car be an older Chevy Citation (father in law's old car) - after my beloved first volvo was totaled after someone ran a red light very late (I had two witnesses, not at fault, not hurt).