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Weekly points target for Dow and FTSE
As someone who likes setting weekly trading targets, i am seeking opinion about what can be regarded as the minimum weekly points target that a half decent trader should aspire to make trading the Dow and FTSE...................and if the type of trading i.e day or swing is a factor i would love to have suggested targets for both scenarios...........and finally it would be nice to know the reasons or even formula on which ur suggestions are based.


I don't believe in targets - only a system that is clearly profitable in the long run. I trade Eur/US$ and make about 25 pts per day there (can't compare that to equities as spreads are tighter on fx).
In God we trust (?), all others bring data.

I like china white's method:

Take a look at front end volatility. For the S&P (a reasonable enough proxy for the Dow) I believe this is derived from the VIX or VXO. At present it is about 18.5% (annualised) as they are both around 18.5 (not absolutely certain about my interpretation here).

Obtain the DAILY volatility given 252 trading days in the year:

18.5/square root(252) = 1.17%

Dow is 10250. 1.17% is 120 pts a day.
SPX is 1118. 1.17% is 13 pts a day.

This is the daily range one can expect.

If you pocket half of these points daily you are doing very well and a third is not bad. So I guess that means 200-300 Dow pts a week is the target to meet...

Anyone know any good strategies to net 200 - 300 dow points per week?

Yes, buy when it is going up and sell when it is going down. Gets at least 300points a week every time