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Yep your feathered friends would not last long with that gang. Had one of our neighbors got 6 tame ducks which eventually made it to our creek. I think they had about 2 weeks longevity. The coyotes have gotten really bad here and I usually keep the dog in a pen as they have a tendency to gang up. The two barn cats have survived for the last 3-4 years which is really surprising. http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/hmm.gif

My wife has chased off the bobcat once or twice already. Way too interested in the ducks. It cut one up a bit the first time, but not to badly so it healed up OK. That duck will probably be a holiday dinner soon for our family soon if we can keep the critters away.

We've lost a few cats to coyotes in the last few years, but they are hard to keep around when the want to go roaming.

I built my chicken tractor with both welded wire fencing and chicken wire and so far that seems to be working. A chicken coop is on the building horizon, probably get done over Christmas break. Foundation is poured, other fencing is in as of a couple of weeks ago. Now I just need to empty the trailer so I can take it to buy some plywood and framing lumber. Never seems to be enough hours in the days or days in the weeks.

Looks like you need to do some hunting.

Interesting link on fawn predation by coyotes. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, coyotes are the most common large predator in most areas of the USA. Not legal to hunt these guys in my yard, but it is legal across the street...

Redtail Hawks, eagles, and the great owls can also harvest a lot of cats. We have have a Pomeranian with the typical big dog attitude. I am concerned he will get lured away and killed by coyotes when up at the ranch.