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If you would like to get some free advertising and traffic for your website or blog, and you have stock market ideas, picks, or opinions to share, please join our forum and contribute. We allow signatures with reasonable and tasteful advertising with links (we will contact you if changes need to be made) that will show on your first post of each page you post on.

In exchange for the free traffic and links we ask for useful commentary and some involvement by you in the forum if users reply to your posts. We also require your posts to have content, not just a promo for your site with a link to read more. And a link from your site to any page on the forum would be also welcome.

We receive thousands of visitors a day here so this is a perfect opportunity for you to connect with your target audience while our visitors will benefit from your expertise and insights.

Thanks for this offer.

I do have an idea to share with the world, and I intend to experiment the idea on this forum in the public glare before I go live.

Will do my best to contribute meaningfully to forum discussions.

Thierry Martin thank you for the hospitality. http://equities.com/ is where I work. But what I would like to do today is create a Collective Intelligence Group... This group would collectively find the best solutions to some of the global, financial and social problems we have today.

Q&A forum, competitive group thinking structure with no more then 150-250 per team (hive). Ok maybe there will be just enough interest for one team... lol I would like to launch this startup tomorrow "All 4/1 IQ" with Equities Collective Investment Group.

I'm doing this partly because of a $100k(honey) convertible note startup competition, and secondly it just needs to be done. The non profit startup Equities Collective will implement new collaborative, sharing and peering technology to help the everyday global investors. Collective solutions for better financial market transparency and social change is what drives us.
Collective Intelligence is who we are... 1iQ

Equities Collective Org. (ECO) non profit start up would like to show our support for not just the trees, air, land or all the fishes in the sea.... But for Social Service's that is needed for Today and Tomorrows Living Equities. We are the most valuable commodity on this planet, are we all not just like Social Equities? Housing, Food, Medical Care, Medicine and Education are some the Social Services we would like to help.

Sounds great Thierry! Looking forward to sharing within the process here at http://www.onlinetradersforum.com.

- gA