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View Full Version : Freelancer IPO


The freelancer.com IPO closed it's applications recently so I've missed on that. However still interested to buy the stock when publicly available (15th November). I know the IPO price was 0.50 AUD. But it's the price it will open at on the market in a days time which I need to know, so I know how many shares to set my broker to buy (so I don't go over my budget).

When is the actual market price usually announced (if at all) before it hits the market and is live?

Market price is based on where people are willing to buy and sell. No way to know that until its ready to trade.... Like Twitter, ipo price was $26 but opened at $45. You need a crystal ball.

Plus how do you know you won't be able to buy it cheaper in the future? Buying ipo's out the gate is very risky.

Ok thanks for the answer. I thought someone/something had to set a price of which it will open at literally in the first few minutes and let it continue to go up/down from there, and that initial price is announced just before. But now I'll wait on it and look to put in an order as it opens (if at a suitable price).

Cheaper than 0.50/share? Possible yes but unlikely for this one I think. And everything here is a risk of which I fully understand. While still a very new trader, well aware of the potential to loose money as well as gain it.

Opened near 2.50 ... Did you buy any?