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Has anyone got any practical experience of using TrendSignal`s / Market-Tutor`s trading system? If so can you comment on its effectiveness & how long you`ve been using it ?

Yes. I did their original candlesticks course and it paid for itself. The results were OK but not spectacular (I did though made money as a beginner). Then about middle of October they asked me if I wanted to test a new product. I have been using trendsignal for the last ten weeks for end of day and intra-day trading. I am much more profitable that I was. I am making money on the vast majority of my trades. I like it - and when I last travelled up to their offices they were happily showing people using it (and trading real money). They seem to be totally happy to let you come up and look at the product and the people I met there were not being given any hard sell by the trendsignal people. There are six people in their office, 4 of who are full time traders, and they all use the product. I don't know if they make money, but I am and so I'm happy!!


Can you please forward their website address.


david joseph

dsjoseph - It`s www.trendsignal.co.uk (http://www.trendsignal.co.uk) .

markjpwill - Thanks for your posting. Can I ask if the intraday system is suitable for spreadbetting - i.e. does it score enough points to cover the spread/slippage and losing trades? On average how many points (on say the Dow ) might be expected per trade & how many signals per day are given per instrument? Are the entry & exit points as clear as they appear on the website? Are the lines shown on the charts some form of sigma lines/standard deviations? Sorry for all the questions, but they do charge a lot for the system, and an independent view of its merits would be much appreciated.

http://static2.trade2win.com/boards/images/flagsnew/GB.gif http://www.investorfrontier.com/ 6mKC9AAAAAnRSTlMAAHaTzTgAAACzSURBVBjTY2DACrasXLlyw Vok/mYgWLFyHVwAxFu5YsF0uMCCeVsPLFy8aBpcIPP80X0Hj16tggu UHj165szRoyVwgYzMkxcvnMnMhPFnJz4qzM8vupQINeRB/svrO9ctX7DuRspsEH973dGjQO6ciV3LF1auAApUb5q2YMGcaRO 6WitbN1UDBaq2Vq6bNnFi98SuBflbQTafr6rMXLBgIRCmpDScg Bhbn5mSkpKYmInV4wCgPlWTsXF8JgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== http://www.investorfrontier.com/ rFQ8QAAAAwFBMVEXg7f7MqY+OQwHXpXKz7+/v7+9+fn7////Ozs4AAABdh7iS0e/v0ZLv77RnAABts+9tAENDAG3V5v1xk8lDktEAQ5Lv79HR7+/Pk0GvxdthuP94psdZqf6yawT0068AbbOeuNWojn7o8v7usWs0X rpDAEPh5uqLqMuodVAAAG2QUShRlvjs7O23iF6gprei1P/hhyro6uxsxv/w9fs/Y7fn39bu6ubR77NNccJicq6ImMKEuf5tbW1rqumJlJ6Ss5LDuM iLAAABaklEQVQ4y6WUiXKCMBRFgQAxQYQaVBRl0RYQcalb9/r/f9UXlgqddqx4ZwiBcHLvCwFBvUGCihuLw0pDtSpwGNFcTng9HA 2LNEN2NfxI8W4qcGHnajhkGNguCEf8ukMIsX4+376T/3KeZmw3dzY1pd0x/gWnQaLymoXutKgZ4L5kKTokMBTd1CakN+DwxIPBrPmGRUlKVEp 9jHc+C0vnB00HcyBgCkOx5zJ04SYfqMJxvEwkKWCpT/08FDiC1QyOvmTwOfgZYB7H9mqxl64rIvHTp8OyInC2ewObcFkZ rEwsXvOs92RqNXiFXNdFZ7SMzZ1BFWfov3u1BUtpgBAKaFqDy7 wIaoZJIEi22jYxajBjsuM4a8ZqMOTMVhta89QhXvGqZnO5Cq/oersdjcdvL6vfN5OeV5mJr1gV3ogfgC4WC3FzGbYL4xJG8fMIN N4v0UX4vMkK+HiI9veg18Ox4ffc7GfQaiqAb9AX1bcyRMlvSek AAAAASUVORK5CYII= (http://www.trade2win.com/boards/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=74715)


Thanks for that. Do I take it from the chart that you wait for the price to cross one of the standard deviation/sigma band lines (acting as support/resistance), then look for a candlestick reversal pattern, and enter a trade accordingly provided the momentum oscillator is in agreement?