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I'm getting discouraged in finding a home. The past year I've been hammering away at my debt, saving money, and becoming more responsible for my money. Only to find out that when applying for a home loan i don't have enough "credit" http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/th_duhhh-1.gif my mortgage Leander actually told me it would look better if i had more monthly bills! http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/hmm.gif

i was also told it looks bad when i have multiple jobs in a year because it makes me look unstable. well guess what $8.25 is a little bit less then $21.16 an hour and of course that was an opportunity i wasn't going to turn down.

I've all but given up on finding land in Iowa to build a cabin, and have instead been looking for small homes in the country to fix up. I've been living in my parents basement for the past 2 years, and well its just sad i make 700-800 dollars take home a week and i still live here. you would think i could find a place to rent at lest but i have two 80# plus dogs, and so far haven't had any luck with that. not to mention payments on a 100k loan would only be 650 a month, far less then what rent with 2 dogs would be. Just cant cant believe how hard it is to get my own home.

going to try to get pre approved for 70k next week, but that doesn't really help me when there aren't any properties in the area that fit the bill for 70k! just wish i could find land to build a small cabin that i could live in for a few years. at this point id settle for a large tent if i could just call it mine http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/embarassed2.gif

You are a victim of the super-easy credit of the last few decades that got everyone in trouble with mortgages. Now the pendulum has swung the other way, and credit has really tightened up. This probably a good thing, as the market is still flooded with over-mortgaged properties that folks can't afford. I read a story from about the time the bubble burst about a single man making $13 an hour who was able to get a $250K mortgage- and the lender knew how much he made! The banks got greedy, hoping to flip houses like that in a booming market when the poor guy couldn't make his payments. Works great until prices suddenly reverse.

You're going to have to be patient- a year of working on your financial profile does not a track record make. Save, save, save, because when you do qualify for a mortgage, they are going to want a big down-payment. Building good credit takes years of light borrowing with a spotless payment record.

I know your dogs are family, but so many people really limit getting started in financial life by taking on animals coupled with money challenges. Our neighbors are losing their house because they keep adding horses and burros to their menagerie. It's their choice to buy hay and pay the vet instead of the mortgage, taxes, car payment, and gas bill but when foreclosure is complete they'll be stuck homeless with all these animals. Pets are expensive, and for responsible pet owners require a lot of time (which also represents money, or building sweat equity, which again represents money) and if they are your priority get used to the basement for a much longer period of time.
You CAN have it all---home, family, dogs---it comes down to the order you do it in though, or how long you're willing to wait. Getting the home would be easier to do before getting dogs, as I think you're finding out. It isn't the country's fault, unless the country handed you dogs and debt and required you to keep both

A lot of this revolves around banks. They do not want to lend money while the interest rates are low. I know this for a fact. The house in the Ozarks we built is ours, no owing anybody. We were trying to buy a winter home in Fl. Had 30% for down payment, and a credit score 750+ and enough income, plus no car loans, etc. Several banks hemmed and double talked and said 30% was not enough. so, I offered 40%. more double talk, then finally one said 45% and they would loan on the remainder for 8.9% interest. Wtf? http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/angry2.gif I told them where to stick it. w Went back to the owners and for 20% down and 5% rate, I got them to carry the note. You might consider trying that route.

should add that i went to school to be a dog trainer and behaviorist, my dogs aren't just pets they are walking barking billboards (well they don't bark). they are pretty important in teaching clients how to properly handle a trained dog as well. Part of the reason I'm looking for my own place is because id like to start my own kennel...