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View Full Version : Lunacyde's Unofficial Pokemon League

The limitations of the tournament format have become apparent to me so I come here to propose a different kind of Pokemon league. All matches will be played on PokemonShowdown. No draft, no match maker, no time or rule limitations, no trainer cards, no unneccesary hoops to jump through. This Pokemon league gives you the freedom to battle when you feel like it! The only restriction will be that all matches will be played in OU format for now, meaning all OU in-battle rules apply.

This thread will serve as a place for Viners to find other Viners who want to face each other in Pokemon battles. The battles may be friendly sparring matches, or Sanctioned League Matches. Both will be exceptionally easy. No more waiting on inactive opponents, lengthy drafts, or game managers. All you need to play is yourself, a PokemonShowdown account, and a willing opponent.

Everyone who is interested just needs to post in this thread and let their interest be known, as well as posting their PokemonShowdown screen name. I will collect these screen names into a directory so anyone can find any other Viner to battle at any time they wish. Even if you are inactive for a while your name will remain in the directory in case you want to return at a later time. The directory is also where I will record the official win and loss record for every participating Viner to show your eternal glory.

Battle Types:


Anybody just want to do a for fun random match with me? My teambuilding skills suck, but I'm not too terribly bad at actually playing.

: I'll kiick it off with a fun match. I'm free right now. What's your showdown name?

im inn (NightThunder)

My pokemon showdown user is Darkmaster. Anyone wanna do a quick OU battle?(official battle)

I wanna waatch, whats your showdown name.