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View Full Version : Purpose of Question Threads

I just thought I should address this as there has been no clarification of this yet on the new site. In the new posting system you have the option to make a post an answerable question (right above the "Create New Topic" tab at the bottom.) Of course people are free to use this however they like, but how it is intended to be used is like the popular answers portions of other searchable sites. So if someone on another site writes in "What does E=MC2 mean?" then it is an answerable question and the best reply can be chosen by the creator of the thread. In the case of Comic Vine, it is meant to be used as something which can provide an answer. For instance "In which issue did the Hulk lose to Wendigo?" not "Can the Hulk beat Wendigo?" The first question is a matter of fact, the second is one of opinion. The opinion type of questions work better as polls as opposed to questions. As I said above, it is to the user's discretion as to how this is used, but I thought I would just point out how it was intended to be used.

I was actually wondering what that was about. I've seen it a few times while making threads but didn't know what they were for. 0.o Many thanks for explaining dear! =D

What if someone makes a deliberate Spite Battle were the answer is a matter of fact?

You know what, ignore that question- I'm just being tricky

Of course, just doing my job. :)

@laflux: I see no reason why there would ever need to be a question in the battles forum. That forum is mostly all opinion.

Thankyou. I am sick and tired of seeing questions on the Battle forum