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On Wednesday, 04/23/14, a Schedule 13G was filed with the SEC by Curt Kramer. He's the president of Asher Enterprises. He now has 3.3 million shares, which is 9.99% of the outstanding shares. According to the SEC, Asher Enterprises has filed 28 13G's already this year.

From what I've read across the net, this guy provides toxic financing to troubled companies, and he's very predictable. Part of the financing deal is always convertibles, and once he receives possession of his convertibles, shortly thereafter a Pump & Dump occurs.

Also, two months ago NEWL struggled to do 200k shares of daily volume. One month ago it struggled to do 1 million shares of daily volume. Now 4 of the last 6 trading sessions have logged over 13 million shares of daily volume. Something's definitely going on here.

They will dump, then convert more. Just to stay at 9.99% passive level and not go above 10%. Hence why the 28 filings.

Have to go back to the original agreement to see how many shares they really could convert in time. Oh the trickery in finance sometimes.

Just to clarify... the 28 filings by Asher Enterprises have not all been about NEWL. Just the one on Wednesday was. The other filings are other companies which Curt Kramer has his fingers into.

I just wanted to throw the info out there in case anybody else was interested. Myself, I'm still gonna do more research on this, and keep a very close eye on NEWL. Not quite sure yet if I'll take any action on this or not. Will just depend on circumstances around me when the pump begins, but right now I'm entertaining the thought of scalping it a few times as it goes up. (Low probability I'll be lucky enough to actually be sitting at my computer at the right time though, instead of being out showing homes. But you never know, right?)

Asher doesn't care about 'pumping' the stock, nor do the other toxic finanicers. In fact they are fighting over who gets to sell first. Ironridge Global Capital, Mantangi Irrevocaible Trust, and Perian Salviola are also doing the same thing.

PLUS you gotta deal with the Hanover Holdings situation (The toxic financiers from last year who have settled a lawsuit against NEWL getting even more shares for debt owed on an ongoing adjusted basis depending on the share price at the time) $61,000,000 worth of stock to be dumped by Hanover.

Yeah, I've read the filings about Ironridge, Hanover, and those other guys. However, NEWL will be probably be down to 2 cents per share in another week or two, and I don't know how all these guys are going to unload over $100 million worth of shares very easily when the price is next to nothing. Because of the situation NEWL is in, you and I can both guarantee another reverse split is in the cards (they gotta pay for those new ships somehow), but I also believe Asher or somebody else is going to try pumping it up some in the near future.

I'd love to play NEWL short Blaine, and would have made a boatload of money by now if I was allowed to short the volume I wanted. Unfortunately, when I called TDA they told me they could only get me about 500 shares, and only 500 shares of a penny stock isn't worth the effort when TDA can literally take it back at any time.

PS: If you want a similiar trainwreck stock to short, take a look at ICLD. Once it's price drops into my preferred range, I'll see if TDA will let me short it, and until then I'm keeping a close eye on.