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Thought it might be fun to see what everyone else is having... we're having bulgogi and rice (Korean bbq beef) and whatever side dishes I can scrape up... maybe some of the pickled green beans I canned last summer since I'm out of kimchee. Trying to clean out all the freezer and pantry over the next few weeks/months.

So what's for dinner at your house?

Funny, I was just thinking what should I make for dinner....

Sigh. Nobody else is eating dinner?

I ended up adding fried okra (hey, it needed to be used tonight) and some tomatoes from the garden to our dinner, as well as the pickled green beans. The girls were helping me in the kitchen, and so we ended up with about 2 cups of millet in the rice (because each one wanted to put some in)... by the time the rice was done, it looked almost like more millet than rice. It was good, even if a little incongruous. We eat a lot of whatever needs to be used up... makes for interesting meals that way. Made half of the bulgogi with hot chilies (for us) and half without (for the kids), and doggone it if the spicy stuff didn't get eaten up entirely. Not even enough left over for lunch tomorrow. I got the okra from the grocery store... first time in almost three years I've seen it up here. Got tickled when the check-out girl was ringing it up and announced proudly, "And this... this is okra, which I just learned this morning!" There was some at the local farmer's market a month or two back, but they'd let it grow to 8-10" long, so I knew I'd need a steak knife just to cut it... I think it was an experimental plant for the grower, but it was something they obviously don't eat since they don't know when to pick it.

And since we're on the topic of dinner, what is your very favorite dinner for just a regular weeknight?

Every so often (tonight) we like a great big pretty well done hamburger - about an inch thick - I like mine with ketchup and salt- Sassy made some 7 grain toasted bread and a salad to go with it. For desert I had about a cup of vanilla and orange sherbet. A cup of each-- http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/smilesm.gif

I don't keep regular hours and many times eat at random times of night.

? Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 10:28:40 PM by glenn-k ?

So is that your favorite, Glenn?

I think I only have seasonal favorites... Summer, it's a bowl of black-eyed peas with thick slices of fresh tomatoes, fried okra, salad, and a glass of so-cold-it-hurts-your-teeth milk. Winter, it's a bowl of stew (I like calabacitas stew with squash, whatever veggies I can find,hot peppers, a little cheese, and lots of cilantro) and cornbread. Guess I have simple tastes. One of my uncles and I have started a campaign to forgo all the traditional holiday fancy food and have beans, cornbread, and collards. http://countryplans.com/smf/Smileys/default/biggrin.gif Not that I don't like holiday food, but I hate the fact that the aunts and my mom tend to freak out about getting everything done and that there is always so much excess.

Hmmm... tonight I think we'll have the leftover rice/millet mixture with...well... maybe I'll make fried rice with veggies? And maybe a little chicken to go with it. I'm pretty unenthusiastic about cooking right now... antibiotics are having major impact on my appetite... might be the first pregnancy where I'll actually lose weight. Sigh...and today I've got to make the monthly pilgrimmage to the grocery store to get some stuff with the three year old who is begging to wear her superman getup to the store.