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Market Manipulators

In every profession, there are probably a dozen or two major rules.Knowing them cold is what separates the professional from the amateur. Not knowing them at all? Well, let's put it this way: How safe would you feel if you suddenly found yourself piloting (solo) a Boeing 747 as it were landing on an airstrip? Unless you are a professional pilot, you would probably be frightened out of your wits and would soil your underwear. Hold that thought as you read this essay because I will explain to you how market manipulation works. What the professionals and the securities regulators know and understand, which the rest of us do not, is this.

Nice article!

Knowing those rules and dozens of other ones will not do any good if you do not stick to them with every trade. And the fact is, if you are trading many stocks or even a few, it is impossible to track so many rules, every minute.

However, I use the CoolTrade point-and-click "no programming required" robotic trading system, where I can enter my rules for what stocks to watch, when to open, when to add to my holdings (long and short), and when to close positions. Without CoolTrade, there's no way I could ever follow every rule for successful trading. Also, as I learn more, I simply add the new rule to my strategy and my robotic trader follows the new rules, every time.

For instance, I only like to trade stocks that move by 5% a day, trade at least 1 million shares a day, are greater than $1 a share and less than $10 a share, and are greater than their 20 day simple moving average, and more. With CoolTrade it takes about 2 minutes to create there rules, without having to program anything.

Robotic trading is easier than I ever thought.


Great article. The institutions are robbing us and I have yet to see anybody do anything about it. Most don't even realize it.

I think in every stock market manipulation is mos.

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