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View Full Version : Is Qualcom is a good stock to buy? They make chips to power smart phones.

I was reading a post on smart phones and wondered if Qualcom stock is a good stock to buy. 90% of their revenue comes from mobile devices so Qualcom directly benefits from the growth of smartphones.

I’m probably thinking way more long term than is necessary to make money off of trading companies whose earnings are based almost solely on smart phone sales. But with how quickly technology changes these days, I almost wonder if it isn’t more, or at least just as beneficial, to look for what might be the next piece of tech we all will go blowing our money on. Blaine said in another post that they might be on their way out and that this could be seen by how the I-phone is only released with different minor changes in styles and improvements now, and I think there is definately truth in that.

I wonder if those new smart phone watch deals or Google glass type stuff may be better to buy relatively soon. Then again those things haven’t proven that people want to buy them and smart phones have.

So to answer your question; I have no idea.

I wouldn't say that. I am still only paper trading so don't take my opinion all too serious. I gave a pretty general speculation of a relatively longer term view of smartphone related stocks. Maybe for long term investing yeah it would be too late to make big mone by buying and holding, but with trading there is money to be made. Just with trading you would pay more attention to technicals than fundamentals.

http://www.marketwatch.com/story/5-predictions-for-mobile-devices-in-2015-2015-01-13 Basically agrees with what I said.

That doesn't rule out QCOM though. These new techs will need components just the same as smartphones did and QCOM will probably be situated to adapt and deliver it. And with a growing uncertanty (albeit slight) about the exact future growth of the smart-phone market, there may be a possibility to make money by trading the volotility.