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View Full Version : Get your mind out of the gutter...

I just broke my g-string...no, seriously, I was playing guitar, and it just snapped Laughing

We can all play along, methinks.

I told the guys on the golf course today that before I leave in the morning -- as a good luck guesture, my wife kisses my balls.

They all snickered those dirty minded buggers.

What does a man do standing up, a woman sitting down, and a dog on three legs?

wait for it

shakes hands . . .

Harold Pinter: The Birthday Party (1958)

(She collects Stanley's plate) Was it nice?
MEG. The fried bread.
STANLEY. Succulent.
MEG. You shouldn't say that word.
STANLEY. What word?
MEG. That word you said.
STANLEY. What, 'succulent'?
MEG. Don't say it.
STANLEY. What's the matter with it?
MEG. You shouldn't say that word to a married woman.
STANLEY. Is that a fact?
MEG. Yes.
STANLEY. Well, I never knew that.
MEG. Well, it's true.
STANLEY. Who told you that?
MEG. Never you mind.
STANLEY. Well, if I can't say it to a married woman who can I say it to?
MEG. You're bad.

I can't recall if it was this play or the other Pinter classic 'The dumb Waiter', both of which we read in high school, that went on about flowers, clematis, convulvulus and snapdragon...us kiddies all snickered and teach said with a very straight face "The double entendre was put there on purpose."