View Full Version : How Safe and Secure Online Banking is?

I am really nervous because I am not sure how safe and secure online banking is.
Whenever I saw in TV reports, regarding hacking or what, I get scared.

Does anybody dare to share his idea regarding this question?

Online banking is safe because since the number of users is very high it's only few that'll be victimized and that happens if you aren't careful to whom you are availing your information.

If you keep your security programs (virus, firewall, etc) updated, you should be okay banking online. Just remember to never, ever give your password to anyone in e-mail or over the phone. Also, never click on an e-mail link to visit your account. Type it into your browser yourself.

Originally Posted by schatzi View Post
I am really nervous because I am not sure how safe and secure online banking is.
Whenever I saw in TV reports, regarding hacking or what, I get scared.

Does anybody dare to share his idea regarding this question?
The thing is, your brick and mortar banks keeps your info in the same kind of database the online bank does. Any database can be vulnerable to being hacked, regardless of how you transmit the information to it. I'm not complacent but I do think most financial institutions are getting better at taking precautions. If you think you'd like to do your banking online, get in touch with customer service, explain your concerns, and ask about the bank's security measures.

Originally Posted by schatzi View Post
I am really nervous because I am not sure how safe and secure online banking is.
Whenever I saw in TV reports, regarding hacking or what, I get scared.
I'm a little nervous about it, too, but I think I'll probably just accept it
as part of life. Like someone said, any bank on any street corner is still
open to hacking, so nothing's really as safe as we'd like it. I *will* however,
not keep everything in one bank. That at least offers *some* protection
as far as I can tell.