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View Full Version : Best site to choose

Hello everyone i am trying to find the best online trading site i've found some but most of them are usually for US residences. I am from Turkey and currently live in Italy for study purposes. So any of you guys have a thought about this? I checked forex but i think like most of the people and I think that its kind of a money trap and really hard to make money there.

What do you mean when you say "best online trading site"? Are you talking about brokers, charting platforms, education sites, or something else?
As for forex being a money trap, ALL trading can be a money trap if you don't know what you're doing. ;) Some traders really like to trade forex because it is an extremely liquid market, it is open all the time (no gapping!), and your commissions are priced into the bid/ask spread, so there is no "per trade" commission. Whether you trade stocks, forex, options, or futures, there will always be pros and cons. Choosing what to trade is a matter of deciding what fits your trading style, budget, and personal preference (among other things).