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View Full Version : QASP I know the Pheonix of penny stocks.

This about sums it up. I swear this stock has 9 lives.


Its about one of the best paid for interviews I have heard. The new cleaned out shell is back with the original vision. 3 times a charm, but this time looks to be a real fun play. The Company has claims aginst NHSH and winning at every step in court. Its just a matter oif time now.
QASP will become the controlling share holder of NHSH and by default becomes the controling arm of Mine seeker, UK. The good thing QASP doesnt even need NHSH and M/S thats just apple pie.
The old CEO got caught red handed setting up the shell NHSH all the while he was stripping assesets of QASP and moving them into his pockets and M/S.

QASP will take over NHSH and make M/S work. More Pie.

And please take the time to listen to the interview. I know the past better than anyone.


Low float with a story that has always been in the works. Its growing. Thers this thing SEVIS that allows The Company to issue Visas to foreign Student Pilots and get them over here to train, $60K per student. Its been 90 days and approval PR is any second day or week. Once that falls in place QASP has students lined up as I type. Its much cheaper to train over here. Fuel cost is 2/3 cheaper. Plus who wouldnt want to come to Florida to hang out for a year close to the beach.
The need is out there for other countries.

And the best, due to this Promo for the interview, the Float has probably risen from 4.8mm to something North of that. Its being sold today, so its a killer time to bottom fish .005 is where I sit with an empty sack wide open looking for cheaper shares. .

Rat Fink said: ↑

the Float has probably risen from 4.8mm to something North of that. Its being sold today, so its a killer time to bottom fish .005 is where I sit with an empty sack wide open looking for cheaper shares. .
Bottom fishing was an understatement, brought my fish'n pole and should of brought some DynO'mite.
Big predicted DIP and most who are looking and like the story's new direction got some killer loads. On the bounce now, but the SEVIS is a big unknown. Ya cant put a finger on the time element. Makes it kind of fun.
The Promo guys I pray are out and the interview is what Ths story paid for. Shares well spent in my mind. Most of us got a good average down and holding tight.
I'm looking for this to have some wild swings. Putting up the fishing pole and getting out my sharp shooting gun. The Dips will be fast and wont last long.

Rat Fink said: ↑
I'm looking for this to have some wild swings. Putting up the fishing pole and getting out my sharp shooting gun. The Dips will be fast and wont last long.

733.33% run today into the close. I was hopeing for 1000+% and with 2mm shares. Now thats half the free float. Opps old free Float. The FF is in Limbo. Still a low Floater. I have failed on the DD. I should have been keeping up with the dollar Volume on the big dumps. I assume a good Promp interview cost $20K . My assumption is the $20k was raised as the pps got creamed.
I still will keep an eye out for more shares sneaking in taking out this good momentum.
The end Game is SEVIS approval. Then the fun starts.
.001 may paint again on the ASK, but trips, Its hard to think. Shares bought today are in hands waiting on this SEVIS.

Low float, held tight. It buys in a snap. Many are in the wings just wishing to pounce for some make up returns. Great day in Q.

What a bummer, no trading today. Being knee deep in the Gulf, I feel for the major PIA thats about to land Up North.
Finda ya a FEMA camp and get the $2K debit card they will pass out. Buy some QASP stock. \

Sat on the 733.33% all week end waiting on the edge of my seat for the openong and probably will have to wait another 2 or 3 days.

Yall be safe up there. Its hell living without power, gas and a way out. The wife had a 3 day in BWI and had to leave Sunday around 3P. The A-holes didnt have the stones to cancel the meeting till this AM. She would be sitting in BWI this AM with not a rent a car to be had.
Man its not the storm that bad its how society is pulled from its roots and left exposed. The wife can fly across the Country with $2 bucks in her pocket and never miss a beat.
What a Country we live in, we go without cable and my family becomes cave people.

I pray we dont look back years from now thinking this was the best of times, because TODAY is always the best of times.