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A futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell a commodity at a later date. While on a futures contract, except the price. All the conditions under which the financial instrument or product is to transfer the property to the ambiguities in place before the exchange, so that neither side is hampered by. The price of a futures contract transaction is designed in a market system or electronic pit> of a futures market.

The Internet now provides access to electronic trading systems around the world. The increase in liquidity in the markets and make them more attractive to traders.

Trading in the futures market is all the laws and rules) set by the exchanges and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC. does not matter if the trading system companyexecuted a pit or electronically, subject to the same rules, regulations and precautions security.

Futures trading is the practice of trading commodities. You may have heard stories about people getting rich with futures trading, but as with all types of investments, there is a risk involved. If you do it incorrectly you can end up thousands of dollars poorer, however done correctly, futures trading can be very lucrative and you could find yourself a few thousand dollars richer.c

Really i am impressed from this post.what is Future trading...the person who created this post is a genius and knows how to keep the readers connected..Thanks for sharing this with us. I found it informative and interesting. Looking forward for more updates..

Good post on future trading. Still many don't have much info on what exactly future trading is. Would expect much focus on the same.

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Dear Sir,

I have question about future trading as:

if i bought 500 shares of any share on 4th sep 2012 at price Rs 100 and it's series will expire on 27 sept 2012 with price Rs 90 what will happens:

case 1: There will be loss of Rs 10 plus other charges. So total profit / loss in this case 500 * 10 = - 500 at end of series and - 500 deducted from my balance.

Case 2: 4th sept:

closing of share at Rs 110. There is settlement and share sold at 110 so profit Rs 10. As 500 * 10 = 500

5th Sept: Share bought at Rs 110 at 9.15. Share last traded at 3.10pm or 3.30 pm at RS 90. as 110-90 = -20. So total bill 500 * 20 = -1000

6th sept Share bought at 90 at 9.15. Share last traded at 70. So profit/ loss = 90 - 70 = -20 Total P/L = 500 * -20 = - 1000

7th sep share bought at previous closing at 70 and sold at closing 50. so Profit / loss same = - 1000

Total money deducted in this case Profit / loss = 500 -1000- 1000 = -1500

So rs 1500 deducted from my account and loss of Rs 1500 in three days. in this case is it right or wrong?

Question are: Is first scenario is applicable or 2nd scenario?

Since as per my Knowledge there should not any change in number of share we buy as first case. But in 2nd case number of shares changes everyday, is it legal or what rule applicable on case2?

Please help since due to 2nd case I am loosing money, my broker is denied mode, not guiding what is happening and this was trade which I never authorized?

Thank's & Regard's