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View Full Version : Interesting Read... Should Central Banks Cancel Government Debt?

Found this on the ZeroHedge blog a few minutes ago. It's an interesting read to say the least for those of you interested in the Macro Economy.

Readers may recall that Ron Paul once surprised everyone with a seemingly very elegant proposal to bring the debt ceiling wrangle to a close. If you're all so worried about the federal deficit and the debt ceiling, so Paul asked, then why doesn't the treasury simply cancel the treasury bonds held by the Fed? After all, the Fed is a government organization as well, so it could well be argued that the government literally owes the money toitself. He even introduced a bill which if adopted, would have led to the cancellation of $1.6 trillion in federal debt held by the Fed.
Read the article in full: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2012-10-18/guest-post-should-central-banks-cancel-government-debt

@ MCD,

Agreed, but the media and the war mongers sure twist Ron Paul into the shadow, the NWO, and he won't sell out to the Bilderberg group.
Why pay taxes when they print money out of thin air? because the IRS would rather STEAL your money and Assets, more value.
Now since the so called Government is owned or sold out and won't do nothing to end the Fed
it Makes you wish we had a Man around like Andrew Jackson.

Romeny maybe the Next puppet in Chief. He too will not turn on the elite scum that installs him to fool the masses.
It has now come down to the Citizens to protect their money, freedom and Liberty.
The Masters should be ostracized, with drawn, another theory is they also buy their lives when in fact someone does get close enough.
I personally don't want their money but would rather expose them and feed them to the animals.

The Sad part? our people do absolutely nothing, due to fear the National guard will gun you down.
I'd gladly fight to protect the land of the so called free and for liberty. When no one has nothing left to lose hell wakes up.
Too bad people have become so dumbed down while the Gov and laws are beyond anything this country has seen.

Wall street greed, big bank bail outs, tax payer theft, bankrupt solar companies, the citizens will have nothing left except to fight back.

I wish it were simply fear that prevents Americans from doing anything of consequence. That would at least imply they've recognized the problem.

Sadly I think it is worse than that. So many Americans are living the lie. They believe The Matrix is reality, and they would rather bury their heads in the sand and continue living the lie than wake up and face the hard reality that their lives are ruled by global elites like the true masters of the universe including those behind the Fed and other global central banks.


You owe it to yourself to set aside 19 minutes to watch the following (pass it on):

Now the real work.....

A lot of us bitch about how bad the politics and economy are in the U.S.; but what are we actually going to do about it? This is the problem. NO ONE knows how to fix this mess. Its not about one person with an answer. It must be done as a society as a whole. There has yet to be a leader that can rally the U.S. in such a way to get all to work together. But is this even possible with how many different views are out there about how things should be done? Oh we should vote on it? How many people go to the polls and just pick boxes because of all the bullshit they hear through the mainstream media or just aren't educated enough to make a quality decision in this complex society. We can continue to bitch about this all we want, but its really just mental masturbation........


That something for me is moving to the Cayman Islands. Gotta get the hell outta here. This place is going to such real bad in 20 years.

You owe it to yourself to set aside 19 minutes to watch the following (pass it on):