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8 reasons to be bullish and 8 reasons to be bearish. (seeitmarket.com)
How much of Greece is priced into the markets? (dashofinsight.com)
Stop blaming Mom and Pop for market booms and busts. (awealthofcommonsense.com)
We are going to need more than an overvalued market for a "crash." (capitalspectator.com)

How long do you need to wait to see the benefits from portfolio diversification? (theirrelevantinvestor.tumblr.com)
7 investment lessons learned from Jurassic World. (fortune.com)
On the relationship between cycling and investing. (sharpereturns.ca)
Brett Steenbarger, "Solution-focused thinking, however, suggests that the path of our growth lies in understanding what we do well." (forbes.com)

Technology companies don't like to count stock in total compensation. (online.barrons.com)
HFTs and the mystery of low market volatility. (humblestudentofthemarkets.blogspot.com)
On the changing face of socially responsible investing. (ft.com)
Cullen Roche, "Wake me up if Greece actually leaves [the Euro]." (pragcap.com)
The world is better prepared for Grexit. (markdow.tumblr.com)
Are multi-family housing starts a ta peak. (calculatedriskblog.com)
What CEOs said about the economy this week. (skrisiloff.tumblr.com)
The changing nature of American income. (ftalphaville.ft.com)
A succinct summary of the week's events. (ritholtz.com)
The economic schedule for the coming week. (calculatedriskblog.com)
Earlier on Abnormal Returns
Top clicks this week on the site. (abnormalreturns.com)
What you may have missed in our Saturday linkfest. (abnormalreturns.com)
Podcast links: presidential podcast (abnormalreturns.com)
Drawdowns happen...get used to it. (abnormalreturns.com)
What you may have missed in our Thursday linkfest. (abnormalreturns.com)