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Never try to trade everything you see. Keep your trading activity limited.

Focus only on the highest probability set-ups.

Concentrate on one trade at a time so you can give it the undivided attention it needs.

A common mistake made by traders is trying to take on too many positions at once. They will have open positions on four different currency pairs simultaneously.

It is extremely dangerous when you have multiple positions at once because your concentration is then splintered between your positions, and if you lose focus at the wrong time, there goes your money!

Inexperienced traders also believe that a higher number of positions will translate into higher profit. "If I open positions in multiple pairs, one of them will win big." Too bad this type of thinking usually leads them to losing big instead.

Understand that you are only human and can realistically focus only on a small number of opportunities. When trying to decide between several trades, pretend you are picking fruit. Look at all them but only pick the best looking one.

Trade one at a time.

Trading one position at a time won't guarantee that you'll consistently earn profits. I will guarantee that you will minimize your losses and will keep you in the forex game longer. Hopefully long enough to where you are able to

Yes, we shouldn't trade without some analyzes to those pairs which we wanted to trade. But I think there are some varieties of style to every trader. Some of them will trade for high profit in a time, but some others like to do scalping which got small profit but many times. So you suggestion of getting profit once in a time, it's like you are long-term trader. If me, I will do scalping sometimes and the other times, I will do long term. But honestly, I didn't wait too long, so maybe I didn't suitable to be long-term trader :D

Indeed, if opened up many positions at one time very dangerous to even bother tirader because besides mostly moving between one and another pair is not balanced, especially if our position is not uniform between the buy and sell positions mixed with no emphasis on the factors and the previous analysis, the might lost opportunities very large

Yes , I agree with you. It is dangerous to open more than one positions which will divert your attention. I think the posibility of success will increase if we pay more attention to one positions.we have more time to analyze it.here I know that you suggest that getting much profit is important and scalping just let you lost higher profit.

If I were often doing more than just a transaction so that I can get quick profits, and was less successful, so now I will later try to be more concentration on a few, for profit, though not much needed time in my opinion.