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View Full Version : Another little prick?

I should do a whole series on these little assholes (see earlier: The f*cking guy...).

Here's the latest on Sean Parker, whom you know as Sean Parker from The Social Network movie and other web-related douchebaggery. Watch as he destroys an old grove forest in Big Sur for his lame-ass wedding:

Hey, if a billionaire couple wants to spend $10 million on their wedding, it's neither all that surprising nor interesting, as far as I'm concerned. So, when news and statistics started to trickle out about Sean Parker's wedding here in California -- namely that it'd cost millions of dollars to create Kardashian-level over-the-topness -- I was ready to chalk it up to the standard excesses of crazy rich people.

But that was before I read the California Coastal Commission's report on the Parker wedding's destructive, unpermitted buildout in a redwood grove in Big Sur. Parker and Neraida, the LLC he created to run his wedding, ended up paying $2.5 million in penalties for ignoring regulations. (Move fast. Break things.)

What's most objectionable about the Valley pricks is that at least the Wall Street pricks don't try to hide their prickitude.

You don't see i-bankers talking all high-mindededly about "Connecting the World through Privacy Violations" or whatever.

Anyway, back to the trees. Keep reading:
New Government Documents Show the Sean Parker Wedding Is the Perfect Parable for Silicon Valley Excess (The Atlantic)