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View Full Version : Mid Atlantic Thoughts Aboard the Queen Mary 2, Part II

LOCATION: 48 degrees, 02.12 minutes North, 043 degrees, 42.08 minutes West, or 1,000 miles south of Greenland.

When I visited the computer center, I was stunned to learn that they were offering three hour long classes on Apple products and programs every hour, all day long. They covered iMacs, iPads, IPods, IPhones, and all of the associated software and gizmos. I promptly signed up for five classes. Watch for my next webinar. It will be a real humdinger, with all the bells and whistles. Poor (RIMM) is already dead, and they don?t even know it yet.

You would think that with 280 pounds of luggage I could remember to bring a pair of black socks. It was not to be. So I headed out to the ballroom with my black tux and navy blue socks to tango, rhumba, and foxtrot with the best of them. The problem is that just as you twirl, the ship rolls, swiping the dance floor right out from under you. With several Octogenarian couples within range, and my size, the consequences could have been fatal. Still, those oldsters really knew their steps. I really hope those pictures come out, especially the one of me on the dance floor, flat on my back.

Looking at the vast expanse of the sea outside my cabin window, I am reminded of the opening scenes of the 1950?s WWII documentary, Victory at Sea. An endless, dark, tempestuous ocean churns and boils relentlessly. I am now even more awed by my early ancestors, who took three months to cross from Falmouth to Boston in a 50-foot long wooden ship called the Pied Cow in 1630. They did this without navigation to speak of, rotten food, and a dreaded fear of sea monsters. What courage, or religious ferocity, must have driven them.


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