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View Full Version : SNV: Metallica?s ?Through the Never?

Good evening, and welcome to Saturday Night Video...

OK, so at first, you're like "what the f*** is this?" Is it a concert film? Is it IMAX? Is it 3D? But who is that kid? Is it a movie about the apocalypse - and a movie containing live Metallica performances with the band at its most virtuosic peak of pure musicianship? Playing all of their major hits and most beloved material?

The answer to all of these questions is "Hell yes it is."

There's an IMAX 3D film hitting theaters now, it encapsulates the band's performances from recent shows in Vancouver and Edmonton. It also contains a "plot", if you will, containing quite a bit of violence and death, which makes perfect sense.

But the cool part for audiophiles is that the whole thing coincides with a 16 track live album, including some of the tightest, best-sounding versions of your fave Metallica songs ever recorded.

Below is the theatrical trailer for 'Through the Never' followed by links to buy the album (which I've been cranking all weekend) on either iTunes or Amazon:

Get the album:
Metallica - Through The Never (Amazon)
Metallica - Through the Never (iTunes)