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View Full Version : Reflections on Another Year of "Mad Money"

Since being off cable for another money saving year, I mostly listen to the show on podcast
I go to "Recap" if I want to see the segment, e.g., "Off the Charts"

I avoid Pissing Contests, e.g., Herbalite and Tesla Motors
And with Cramer, I stay away from the stock he is drooling over as if he is some high school drama queen, which currently is "Sales Force dot com" (crm)
I swear he and Marc Benioff of CRM interviews are nearing doing porn as interview
Cramer: you two get a room before your weekly interviews so you guys can calm down for the interviews
It is embarrassing, gawd!

Cramer has put me into some winners
I know to note a stock I like, study it, monitor it, and then if I can afford 100 shares (my comfort zone amount) to go in initially for 50 shares
Having my beak wet makes my studying and monitoring keener
If the stock goes up, I do not mind buying another 50 shares--This is confirmation
I know to stay calm, because when I initially go into the stock will go down in price, significantly
(Weird, how the Ol' Mr. Wall Street monitors a nobody such as myself so he can tag me when he does this by knowing when I go into a stock for a taste)

Cramer alerted me to "KSU" as a way to play Mexico, which by 2015 will have 5 major car makers feeding cars to us mostly via Kansas Southern Railroad
Plus, Mexico is coming online with more oil than Texas, and KSU has got the tankers for this
It would feel good to have another "BGS" I got in at $13 a share, thanks to Cramer

The bottom line for me are his irregular regular stocks: non-drooling interviews every so often, as well as mentions
When he drools, I avoid--I know, I know Apple and Google are simply devastated with me about this, torry

I have, too, learned avoid stocks squeaky tightly bound to something: REITs with that crazy thing called the FED and ship-shipping and that weird index "The Baltic Dry Freight Index"
I imagine the FED and The Baltic Dry Freight Index surely confuses gawd!

Too, as Cramer has said in the past: wait at least 3 days after I mention a stock to work out any "Cramer Bounce" is still a good idea
An overall good time to buy is around 11 am
Plus, use only Limit Orders, which at times I set low to catch any stock market glitches that might briefly jab a stock down
It is worth a gamble if I have some spare money to play with

2014 is gonna be one helluva fun ride
I so blew it in 2012 about Obama winning again
Polls show people hate Obamacare, but, but I remember 2012
The internals surely must be showing Washington Republicans something I ain't seeing or feeling by the way these Republicans cave and cave