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View Full Version : Anyone know of Steve Sarnoff?

Hello all,

I'm new to the forums and have been a casual buy and hold trader for years. My question regards the newsletter OPTIONS HOTLINE with picks by Steve Sarnoff. Does anyone have any information on him? Is his track record as good as advertised? I keep hearing echoes of the old saying "when it looks too good to be true, it generally is". Any guidance would be appreciated.

Never heard of him myself. Maybe he's good, who knows.

However, 2 points:

1. There is nothing there about his losses/ drawdown!!!!
2. Why's he selling the info?

Notwithstanding the above, even if you decide to go with him, you must do your own research.

I accept that I've not been trading (as opposed to investing) for long, but in the time I have been trading, I have learned what to look for in these kinds of ads and generally ignore them.

I'm sure that other more experienced people on this site would back up my statements above though.

You asked, so there you are :-)

Top... I'd like to know a little about this fellow before I send in my $750, too.

Either that or he does a good line in Vodka.

My question is if all these so called experts have such track records how come they don't appear on the Forbes list of the wealthest people in the world. As long as they have been picking stock, options, future, etc. they should have surpassed Warren Buffet.