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View Full Version : Buy Facebook? by Antichartjunk.com

Buy Facebook? by Antichartjunk.com June 7, 2012

After witnessing several Facebook friends suggesting other Facebook friends to load up, double down, and otherwise purchase Facebook stock, as well as viewing such advice on forums as , I thought it would be helpful to chime in. Traders and wannabes are clearly unnecessarily losing money. In the spirit of my previous post, here are a few of the more interesting Facebook related articles as of late:

Given Facebooks especially poor price action, even under those conditions, it would be wise to wait for Facebooks next earnings report along with the three month lockup period expiration. For the intermediate term speculators who already purchased the stock, do not change your time frame to that of a long term investor. If you are not familiar with IPO bases, review the early stage base formation (not the latest correcting action) in recent IPOs KORS, GNC, INVN, TNGO, and SYNC.

Facebook stock is worth $10 to $15 at best, if it can come up with better ways to make money than to allow children on the site. If not, it is worth $3 or $4. I do not know why anybody thinks the company is being run by a genius who is going to figure out ways to squeeze 20 times more money out of Facebook than he is now. A lot of people have been zucked over.

Agreed. I think many people who dabble in investing and trading give into massive hype and are soothed by familiarity without understanding the necessity of growth. It is certainly a form of gambling when one invests and trades in that manner.

A lot of people have been zucked over.