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View Full Version : The Search for the Holy Grail Continues

Just when you thought it was safe to go out for Christmas drinkies ...

Just when you thought your Emperor had deserted you ...

There comes news from the Imperial Treasury Team ... sweating away in the catacombs ...

Dedicated as we are to the task of finding the Holy Grail ...

Unable to stop for a moment from our focus on the task at hand ...

Persevering like Jonny Wilkinson in the task of kicking goals all year round ...

We bring to you a glimpse of our Imperial Research ...

A scroll in wondrous Wattyl colours ...

Can you view this scroll of many colours and not wish to lend a hand?

Are you not inspired to send your Emperor your own personal list of Stage 2 ASX 100 stocks?

If so we will send you our Imperial Spreadsheet by express e-mail which enables you to view the ASX 100 stocks easily ... and fill in your own Weinstein Stage Selections to add to the pool of Imperial Research .....

Sectors are provided !!!

Return your scroll to your Emperor and you may qualify for a badge of office in the Order of the Imperial Toga ... Entry Level

We will reciprocate by sending our Stage 2 List based on the survey findings

You may then be invited to help the Treasury Team by standing guard over a small watch list of stocks ... charged with the task of alerting the Treasury Team and the Forum of any interesting developments in your carefully guarded scrolls ... and we can all share in discovering the most interesting Stage 2 candidates for further study ... by posting details of our research

Forum Members can you not feel a frisson of excitement as this search for the Holy Grail reaches new heights?

Can you bear to stand there getting progressively more befuddled at your Christmas party and not tear yourself away to join the Quest?

Well if need be continue to get befuddled tonight ... we can all be befuddled together for just this one evening ... but in the clear light of day I beg you to answer your Emperor's call ...

Join the Quest and one day an Imperial Golden Toga could be yours ... !!!

Send for the spreadsheet before another day is over !!!

Thanks for an interesting contribution.

What is so intriguing is the way charts tease us.

Could it be about to behave as it it did in August/Sept?

Or is it overbought and ready to return to a support level?

Who knows?

Is BLD entering into a Stage 4 phase????...