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Does Technical Analysis Really Work?

Well I believe it does. I wouldn't leave home without it now.

I have been a Fundamental Analyst for a long,long time...No IC charts, so one makes do.

I thought charting was just short of hocus pocus when I first came across it. In fact, just to show how stupid a person can get, I walked out of any lecture when they produced the "Wiggly Lines". Just tell me what the figure was of Times Covered for the dividend. Forget the rest.

BUT it all depends on how you look at something. There has probably been a raging argument about Linear V Logarithmic for years.

Well, I look at my charts Logarithmically/Logarathamatically..whetevr!!

The only time I find Linear useful is to check out a nasty little Pump and Dump.

This little pearler used to be Davnet....