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This is a non-stock question. Does any trader here us Multi Screen LCD monitors?

Before I plow some serious dough into a three or four screen system, I'd like to get people's comments: pros & cons as well as brand and prices.

Much appreciated

I'm looking forward to getting one as my solo 22" widescreen can't hold all the windows open that I want =/

You don't have to spend money on high quality monitors that are designed for gaming/video because you will be just looking at text; find ones that are cheap with decent quality and get a sturdy mount. I'm looking to set up three widescreen monitors, possibly even for gaming : )

I've found some 3 screen and 4 screen mounts on Dell and Amazon but can't seem to get much information regarding what types of monitors I can mount and the amount of weight each can take.

I'm excited about the panoramic three screen mount.

Optimus, 3x 19" Dell's with one rotated 90 degrees. All mounts are adjustable vertically and have slim bezels (important). I also run 2 screens with the laptop in another room or if I want to work on the deck (easily portable).

go to elitetrader.com and do a search for "monitor". Also a good thread is "pictures of your trading stations".

Thanks for the link. I checked out the site but was wondering about prices. In the research completed the last 30 minutes, I found that you can run a 19" widescreen x 3 Monitor and pay half the cost of the one on the link you posted if you buy your own mount and install yourself. Microsoft XP allows for multi-monitor setups.

Its more convenient to buy the "pre-fabbed" multi screen monitor, but buying the components separately still saves a good chunk of change.

Samsung SyncMaster 920NW 19" LCD Monitor = $187 X 3 = $561
Triple mount, with 2-link extension 20.5" = $330

Total Cost $891 (not including tax and shipping - amazon has free shipping and no tax)