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I jumped in this morning and bought at .0095, below previous close to try to hit a dip. I was hoping that this conference 2/14 was going to drive some heavier volume, but no such luck so far today. I believe that this company is too big and well established, with too much real revenue to still be classified as a sub penny stock. Does anyone else share this idea? Any ideas?

But keep in mind, fundamentals don't mean shit.... The company could be lying out their ass. Have you been to their headquarters or seen products on store shelves? If not, don't believe a damn thing these POS companies say. These junk stocks always seem to get overseas orders, you know what I mean? Usually all BS to get you to buy their shares.

Trade the chart, make money, move on. Holding these things long-term is bad for your account and emotional state.

Thanks Blaine for your comment. I was hoping to hold on until Feb 14, then tune in to the conference and watch the stock. A hypothetical turn of events that I hope for is a similar situation to KALO during January of this year. Major upward move, then immediate correction from highs. Believe me, if a legendary trading day occurs, I'm getting out. Do you have any AMMX?

At least someone painted the close for you. Nice 100 share trade at .0098 to make everyone's account look a little better. Hope it gets back over .01 and pushes for you Thursday or Friday.