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Damn, there are so many bargains out there..............
But I'm on "hold" just like most of us................
I've been doing some D&D - Even with the recent decline - Gold stocks or Gold mining stocks are supposed to be good when inflation is a factor.......
They should recover - if not go even higher?

What sucks is - I've really been waiting for this - the CPI to get some real numbers in there........
I could have been in better shape.....

I'm (nervously) holding on to my gold mining stocks..........
I don't care how much they raise interest rates - if the price of oil and gasoline keeps going up - its like domino's - everything will go up. inflation will only get keep getting worse.........................
What Do You think?

I was poised and ready for this 5 and a half months ago. Loaded to the brim in consumer staples, healthcare, and pharma. Then the market goes counterintuitive and takes off and swings positive 100 points with rising inflation and at each Fed tightening. I scrapped my thesis and went heavy in energy and flipped in and out of tech along the way. I was up a good 10% after switching game plans but am now hovering around 3% positive on the year! So what took months to build was slashed in a week. Phucking market! And of course it had to happen when I relaxed a bit and went to work for real instead of babysitting this damn portfolio. Almost to the day too. I go to work Thursday and the market gets slammed on Friday. Sometimes I wonder what I did in life to deserve this sh!t.

hehe.. i know what you mean.. I decided to buy on thurs.. thinking the dip was temporary and was a good time to buy... http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

High inflation usually = gold (and gold mining stocks) will go up -
but they continue to tank....I'll hold, but it's getting scary.
OK - Instability, Trend reversal, I can understand it - I'll hold

But it gets worse........I own 100 shares of ALKS.......
Bought in at $22, it begins an excruciating slide downward.........
They announce FDA approval of a vaccine for alcoholics...........
(that should have reversed the downward trend - right?)
It spikes a little, - (almost back to $22) - then continues to tank - as if nothing happened!
So yesterday they announce earnings - "Company Achieves First Profitable Year in Fiscal 2006 Driven by 119% Increase in Total Revenues Over Fiscal 2005"
ALKS just continues it's downward journey - for how long? and to God knows where?

I am finally seeing the light - and that is - there simply IS NONE
Not in stocks anyway......
I suspect there are many people in positions who illegally manipulate prices and cause us to lose money
Perhaps I'll try Las Vegas...................
I'm sure I'll lose some money there - but at least I'll have fun losing it!

You want to talk about house of pain? I told myself, and some of you, I was selling yesterday; going all cash. I wake up, looked at my positions and decided it has stabilized and figured I'd wait and see. Then, I hear a loud "crrreeeeek...CRASH". Guess what that was? A goddamn tree limb blew over and knocked out my phucking phone line. So, as I'm on my cell with the phone company, bitchin' at them to fix it ASAP, little do I know the market is no longer stabilizing but rather going to sh!t and I'm hovering above breakeven. They just now fixed the line, which is why I'm back, but it makes me wonder what I ever did to deserve this sh!t. I'm so pissed this week I could strangle someone.

Talk about funny. I was on Yahoo! Finance and the headline read Stocks Bounce After 2-Day Plunge. I had a couple other windows open that I was reading and when I refreshed Yahoo! the same headline read Stocks Keep Falling After 2-Day Plunge not 20 minutes later. Talk about an easy job. The guy changing the headlines has it easy today changin' one word for two.

I'll tell you it is sure nice to be out of this stinkin' market. I can now go about my daily business without the anxiety I'm going to get shelled while I'm away form the desk like what happened to me on Friday where 3 of my 4 holdings at the time got drilled for 5%. See you all when the Fed stops and oil bottoms at $58. 'Til then I'm done.