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Other than a disaster or absolutely anything involving my lady Paris Hilton--Yea, I love her, because she PO's off so many

I absolutely will not watch daytime CNBC!

Too much bs static

I will tape, so I can speed through Commercials, evening CNBC

Thanks to RSS, I can create my own newsroom

RSS is pure joy and makes Homework easy

If I do see a story, I can expand it and read it

I read year old Wall Street Journals so I can even quicker see the value of a story now that time as cooled things

Here is a secret to the stock market: Factor X

What is Factor X? I do not know--but it is the unplanned

He goes along thinking all is cool until the day before Thanksgiving

Master Gobbler discovers Factor X too late

Farmer Brown this particular morning has something else in mind with the once friendly bucket heretofore full of food

Reading year old news in the Wall Street Journal, I am amazed looking back how often Factor X was not considered

Even now, Cramer is right about the Tech sector becoming hot; however, particular stocks can have its Factor X disaster or Win

Here, I have often noted what would happen to your Apple stock if Steven Jobs simply dies?

Ponder Google: while it earns well, this does not satisfy the street--but it could--you can never be certain how the market will view any variable

Remember, the Talking Heads have blinding 20/20 hindsight

How many market have you seen go up or down out of the blue

The Talking Heads always have a reason

Ponder how your instincts get jumbled watching daytime CNBC, or even Cramer with one of his "great" stocks, even though he tells you to wait and ponder and do your homework

The future is largely unknowable simply because when you look ahead you see an extension to the now

You are unable to factor in what will be the technology even next year

Another aspect of Factor X

I'll go one better; I never watch CNBC, but then I rarely watch any network tv either. I get my news from various online sources and if a subject is interesting or important enough I can find what may be an accurate report of events by comparing those sources and filtering through any bias (depending on the subject matter)

Your factor x sounds like what is sometimes referred to as a black swan event, even though we now know that these events can take place, by their very definition they cannot be predicted no matter how convincing the self-proclaimed soothsayer may appear.

As mass electronic communication becomes even more widespread and readily accessible, the amount of data input into the global economy picture also increases and therefore increases the probability and frequency of black swan events, imo.

I'll one up you guys...I haven't glanced a look at a television in 3 months. How's that? http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png

I keep in touch with the world by reading the news online and in newspapers; suits me well.