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I'm posting this as both a warning not to get caught owning a AET, CI, HUM, UNH, or WLP unless you were short --and also I wouldn't mind hearing debate on the merits of a single-payer system.

It seems the President's plan is garbage. He wishes to not ruffle too many feathers of the massive campaign contributors in the above mentioned companies. He wants to create a public option much like Medicare. This will be a disaster much like Medicare is becoming with its runaway costs.

The problem with Medicare and Medicaid seem to be that they are dumping grounds for the insurance companies of unprofitable patients. The uninsurable find their way on to the rolls of public payment care and given they have existing conditions simply drain the system's funds. This is much what I think we're going to see under the President's plan.

My position is we either ought to go with a complete overhaul of the system and implement a single-payer universal plan where we all chip in via taxes, or we simply rescind government care altogether including Medicare and Medicaid. With so many already dependent on government funded care it is likely the former will happen before the later. So why tip-toe around the fact the health insurance industry ought be disolved? Because they are massive campaign contributors and the politicians are in their pockets.

Obama's plan will likely pass. And it will eventually fail. It has the potential to bring this country to its knees it ballooning expenses. Where a single-payer system could save us a hybrid is flawed. Many MDs and nurses are advocating a single-payer as a cost-saving vehicle. Administrative costs due to the myriad forms and filings necessary to receive payment from the fragmentation of our healthcare industry due to the manifold participants has caused a ballooning of expenses for hospitals and doctors' offices.

I think universal coverage is a terrible idea. But, business is tired of insuring against the lottery ticket tort lawyer.......So, there are very few that will stand in its way.

The ultimate outcome of this will be we will ship the routine surgery procedures to another low cost provider........and thus........more jobs lost.

But, on the other hand, you're going to have world class facilities that cater to extra wealthy. Competition to work there will be fierce and they will draw the best talent.

The rest.......will go into plastic surgery or other lucrative elective surgery fields.

While public health will be increasingly dominated by substandard care, rationing based on politics, and long waits for routine surgery.

The middle class........in a generation after this is implemented will travel to other low cost producers for routine surgery. As technology advances.......it will be easier to replicate high quality care, for less money. Mainly, because the tort lawyers won't own it. So, there will be no more lotto tickets if surgery goes south. Governments have never been good at being low cost providers.

HEALTH CARE IS ALWAYS RATIONED..........markets ration by price........governments ration based on politics and other arbitrary factors.....

The U.S. will continue to be a leader in developing new breakthroughs for medicine.........we just won't practice it anymore.........Other than at the V.A. which is what your gonna get with universal coverage.