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I have owned NCDP.PK for over a year and all it has done is drop. They make an herbal smoking lozenge that my friends and I have used and it works, the only problem is they had problems with their manufacture and Walgreens dropped them and the stock plummeted. People on the boards where posting about how this company is dead, but they have filed a lawsuit against their manufacture and also just where they filled some new orders for Nicodrops.

This stock is a very risky stock play, but if they can start filling orders and fix the manufacturing problem the stock could recover back up to 1 cent for a 100%-200% gain. Nicodrops are only $10 a box and taste like mints with a nice herbal buzz. This is no XSNX but I like their product and it might be time for this stock to run, but don?€™t forget that it is a penny stock trading on the Pink Sheets and it might not do anything.

I remember hearing about this stock a couple years back when I investing in a product similiar to this one called Nicowater. It was basically bottled water with some nicotine in it that you drink when you are unable to have a cigarette like at a bar or on an airplane.

I remember the company QuickTest5 which made Nicowater made a deal with Eckards drug store to carry the product but it didnt do too well.

In this statement NCDP claims to have new manufactures lined up and they should not have any more problems with the manufacturing process.

Nicødrops is an herbal dietary supplement in a lozenge formula with all natural 100% herbal dietary ingredients. It helps to reduce the stress associated not smoking. Nicødrops does not contain nicotine. Research and development was concentrated on a holistic approach with herbal plants. These herbal plants have been around a very long time. Herbalists throughout the U.S. have been unlocking the secrets of what these herbs can do. Understanding the applications of these herbs, Nicødrops implemented these pure herbal plant extracts into a "minty tasting" cough drop form.

I have a couple million shares and will be sitting on them until the end of this year, the only reason I own this stock is because I know people who have quit smoking using NCDP?€™s program and I also love the taste of their product Nicødrops.

This is a pink sheet play that is highly risky and I?€™m holding this company because I believe when smokers can pick up a pack of Nicødrops at the airport there sales will go crazy. I don?€™t smoke but when I fly I love popping a Nicødrops lozenge and getting that nice relaxing mild buzz that cigarettes give you without the side effects.

In never believed in the method of using Nicotine gum or patch to quit smoking cigarettes that contain nicotine. I believe in the all natural method or cold turkey, which is why Nicodrops are great because they are all natural and contain only herbs that give you the same feeling that a cigarettes does.

Some Walgreens & CVS stores have them but it?€™s hit or miss because of the problems with the manufacture & restocking. You can get them online at www.nicodrops.com (http://www.nicodrops.com/buy_nicodrops.php), one box of 20 lozenges is $10 and the whole program is $50.

What my friend did during his month long program was cut back on the number of cigarettes the first couple days, then down to 1-2 a day for about a week, then quit all together and used Nicødrops for another 3 weeks. He still has a box around for those craving he still gets and claims if you pop a drop when you crave a cig it?€™s almost as if you took a hit of cigarette. The key about Nicodrops is that you can pop a lozenge and then smoke a cig if you really have to and there won?€™t be any side effects, but if you took some nicotine gum and tried smoking a cig you will get sick from to much nicotine.

I know people who have quit cigarettes using nicotine gum & patch, all natural Nicodrops & the cold turkey method but it all depends on how much you want to quit. I wish you the best of luck on quitting cigarettes and if you do quit maybe you should pick up some stock since you will know first hand that their product actually works.