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I agree its a drain on mine too but im in it for the long term and will trade it on the next run. Long term i look for oil to go higher alot higher and if so then all these little canadian oil sands plays will follow oil higher. CWPC .24 to $6 plus and looks to go alot higher imo. Summer is right around the corner and we will be paying more for gas imo. I picked up SU calls UCPI and UPDA this morning after the oil inventory report came out. Good luck

CWPC has had a nice run lately. Must be up to something up there. I too am holding SU, the stock not options, but I believe in it long term. Like I've said before, it's an oil stock with growth which can't be said for the majors like BP, XOM, and the rest. Sure oil is going higher. The only place they are finding more is up in Alberta and the production cost is what a barrel used to run 5 years ago. Get used to where gas is now b/c that's support. No where to go but up.

Well when i heard the inventory report this morning i bought su calls and then bouth ucpi and upda. Since then i have picked up DOIG and PAPO and sold a little XING stock but did buy some calls june 10's at .35. Good luck

Looks like my take will be right on tawget...again! http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png Sucker rally in oil suckers in da suckiest of nonsa-fistacates, basically fokes who trade on the obvious like Cramer. The collapse of da energy pig idiots leads to the run of da next wave of suckers...they have until fri to figure it out. *-)

Enough with your predictions about the oil pigs dying. Why don't you tell us exactly what day is the dooms day for us oil pigs?