View Full Version : Kudos Cramer

Cramer has been making a point to tell people not to buy his picks after hours. People must be making money hand over fist shorting these stocks about 5 min. after they are mentioned. Topps shot up $1.50 (it was at $8.50 before the show) It hit $10 2 minutes after the mention and sank back down. Well done shorts.

Perhaps Cramer should only recommend stocks over $30 in his segments. That keeps the jokers from going crazy after hours.

I disagree. I live in the world of stocks under $10 bucks, because it is easier for me to buy a stock at 3 bucks and watch it go to 4, than buy a stock at 30 go to 40. commission fees eat me alive

That doesnt make much sense....if any at all.
A $3 stock to $4 is the same exact gain as $30 going to $40. a $3 stock is not at all neccesarily cheaper than a $3o one or $300 one. (see real money radio recap today). And I can show you plenty of $30 stocks going to $40 faster than $3 to $4..

Do you trade online? and if you do - with whom? http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png If your new at this, the first thing you should know is - You shouldn't be paying so much in "commission fees". "Commission Fees" are mostly a thing of the past. Most online trading sites offer trades anywhere from $5.00 a trade to $14.00 a trade.
I use Trading Direct and they charge $9.95 a trade - period. (And they are relatively good about answering those "dumb questions" many of us have to ask when first starting out)

You made my point for me. A new trader will think a $3 stock is cheap and hop on it after hours on a blind recommendation. At least with a $30 plus company you would stop and do some homework first. His $60 stocks move very little (like X) because no experienced investor is going to get into it until they research it. Sorry you are getting beat up on commissions. Try Scott trade, I think they are only $5.