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View Full Version : Digimarc DMRC

I think Digimarc has a lot of potential in the future. It's currently at $8.49. What are your thoughts?

Thierry - Do you mind giving some comment on the chart that you posted? I am relatively new to this.

Without knowing anything about the fundamentals of this company, I would really be looking for a little consolidation (trading at this level for a while with reasonable volume). Being so far below it's 200MA (200 day moving average) there isn't much of anything you can call technical support. I would like to see the OBV (on balance volume) charted and positive for a few sessions at least before I would buy in.
The only other catalyst I could see is really good news or a potential buyout that would heave me moving in.
Good luck and welcome to the forum.

I am very interested in their products and the mean target price is $14.63 while the low is $12.

Are these estimates usually close?

Depends on who's making them of course, and the timeframe. Nick Andrewes over at Lazard has a $14 target price (aug 15th) on them he's pretty good in this space. I will say I am not really in tune with their product, so I have no particular opinion on the outlook, but it doesn't jump out at me as an obvious winner, and their competition is MSFT and ORCL. If this helps here's the Morningstar one pager from yesterday: