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I want to hear it from you guys... I think they are, but I dunno yet. My friend says they are.

Most definitely. It would be completely ignorant to not believe in all of infinite space there is not another place that had a nourishing environment that spawned life.

I wouldn't doubt it, I mean someone is gonna come and say that were the only intelligent life outta of all the other planets, solar systems/galaxies and so forth? Yeah I find that rather stupid, it's not like out of all the planets, another couldn't be similar to Earth in terms of conditions to sustain life. Our planet cannot be that special out of all the other planets.

the government covers up lots of things. Also, one could argue that they let you know what they want you to know. There was a lot of details recovered from the infamous Roswell crash site, and most of the evidence points to people not wanting other people to know about things. It is completely possible that another planet could have began their evolution and be advanced enough to travel through space, and then, visit other planets.
A long time ago they probably argued that the world was flat with "statistical probability".

Actually it is. There is a huge contingent of scientists that argue our Solar System and our evolution is unique. We have larger planets like Saturn and Jupiter that filter out any large asteroids by trapping them in their gravitational pull. It also has a similar effect on gasses that keep our planet cool.

Basic statistical probability, the universe is a very vast place and we've already proven there are several planets in the very tiny portion of the universe we have observed which possess all the right circumstances needs for life to exist. Reason dictates this means there are likely more that share these circumstances meaning its more than likely at least one of these planets hold some form of life. The only reason I doubt they've visited is due to the fact that our current government can't hide a BJ so I seriously doubt they could cover the most significant scientific discovery in all of human history from the general public.