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View Full Version : So a fed rate cut is now priced in then!

Why does everyone seem so confident that the fed will cut rates next month, all of a sudden? Why would they?? I mean, I know why they would, in the eyes of traders, but it just seems like wishful thinking on behalf of distorted sample of the population. "It's the economy stupid!"

It's just irritating that people can be simultaneously so arrogant and mis-guided. The result of which that the market will crash and burn when the cut doesn't happen. Maybe I'm mis-reading all of this.

When is the next fed meeting?

I really have a bad feeling about then not cutting. I plan to trim back on a couple of positions before the meeting, just in case.

Exactly. It seems to me that the argument for cutting is that the bubble and credit excesses need to continue. Yet surely that would just make the bang even louder when it bursts.

Just heard one of the talking heads on CNBC say the reason for today's 200+ point jump is that the Fed is not going to cut. Is this a goldilocks senario once again?