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I have to respectfully disagree too. I don't like that ascending wedge break down. It's going to take that whole run out.

I don't know about WMT right now either. I need to see a reversal or some consolidation before I jump into any of the retailers right now.

Depends on how long your trading strategy is.

I don't trade time periods I trade percentage moves.

So if on January 19th BBY is at 41, I'll be holding if it hits my price target of 45, depending on the fundamentals and the news at the time and holiday spending which I believe will be FAR MORE ROBUST THEN ANALYST EXPECT. I will revaluate this one.Its just way to cheap here.

Really yoyo? What can you have against Walmart?

BBY= overpriced technology.

Walmart = happyness n sunshine. Walmart is amazing and I hope they keep up the good work.

I just don't know why Redstripe would buy BBY now, when it clearly has more possible downside. Trying to catch a falling knife, while fun, is dangerous. Maybe buy BBY around 38....but you would need to see some evidence of stability and a reversal.

BBY could go lower but its down from 45.37 close on Monday. Its way to cheap under 40. A buy anywhere under 40 is safe IMO. I like to invest in stocks that are strong fundamentally and are temporarily discounted like BBY.

BBY isn't even speculation in my opinion this one is safe for anyone who want to make a quick 5-10% in an OVERBOUGHT market.

haha. bad time to be in retail imo, unless you are short it.

ive never been able to make any money in retail except with dell a few years about, they used to run up at XMAS before businesses dumped budget and the public sector was all still buying PCs. Hasnt been the case recently.

This looks like another turd to me. Flat over 2 months.

Natty Gas providers have been strong over this cold snap.

NI, DUK, LINE, to name a couple. I am long DUK and NI , up about 2 bucks a share on both since OCT.

Yoyo's trades are shorter time frame and often mentioned in the chat room. I've seen plenty of winners from him and the others that frequent the room for short term trades, as well as some losers. I have myself posted potential (and real time trades in chat) that have been winners as well as some that didn't pan out. That doesn't mean I'm a bad trader (I'd like to think of myself as a pretty decent trader personally http://onlinetradersforum.com/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png ) just that not every set up goes the way we think it should.

The game of trading is to be right more often than we're wrong while letting gains accumulate and cutting losses. I freely admit that when you first started posting I disliked some things that you posted (penny picks etc) but in general, ignoring those, for your time frame (long/medium term investments) most of your trades have been profitable. It's not my style but it works for you so good for you.

One of the rules of trading that most successful professional traders I follow mention is "leave the ego at the door." I think we should do that more in here as well so we can concentrate on profit/loss more than who's better or right more often.

You said it was a buy and would out-perform WMT, he said he would track it, he bought (simulated) and is still tracking it. Your pick was that BBY would go up (it has) and that it would out-perform WMT (currently it isn't) with a time line of a month or so. 1 month is up in 6 days and he's posting where it currently stands. Seems reasonable to me.

Your pick is green though on the outperform WMT you were wrong. It happens. If I meet someone that always picks the highest future performing stock in it's sector I'll finally find someone I'll blindly follow. It doesn't have to be a like/dislike thing. We don't use the same time periods for trades so your trade ideas are, in general, not in line with my style but a decent percentage of your trades have been good on your time line. Someone saying that they thought a different trade for your time frame was a better opportunity is not an insult.

As for when he updates the status, don't throw stones. You rarely update when your investments are not profitable but promptly update when you are correct also. Everyone is always happier and more likely to remind people when they are right vice when they are wrong.