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Hmmmm..I like how you can interact and scroll to show indicators, but still working trendlines. It's a pain to use three or four charting tools.

Any help on saving a java image? Say ....my prophet charts?

I'll keep playing with the sf for tools

With the attachment (OP of this thread), you can open the file and scroll through the chart as well as change the type etc. Especially useful in exposing the indicators (as needed). I like that aspect as you can show some screening criteria using indicators and have the "scrollable" map to view it. When it is embedded as you have done above, you get a "snapshot" that does not interact.

Thanks for your help on this...I'm slowly getting to the efficient solution. The stuff I use is not friendly in converting to shared products over a forum.

If you know the Javascript needed, you might be able to embed it in-line, as opposed to in the Head of the HTML page [which is probably inaccessible to the forum poster]. That would give you the functionality I think you are seeking. My take, however, is if you want to show an interactive chart, you are better off posting a URL-link to the interactive page – and retaining code control in your own environment.

That said, I notice that you can wrap PHP tags in a post. That offers quite a bit of flexibility. I built a system for Andersen School based on PHP and MySQL. Don't know what the limitations are to PHP commands in this forum. Figure I can post for a long time without needing to know.